Home Sweet Home.
With plush comfort, and functional amenities, our South Side headquarters is the perfect place for a team of Super-DJs to call home.

Meet Pittsburgh’s Best Wedding DJs.
While the average Pittsburgh DJ company might be content to meet clients at the local coffee shop, having our own space allows us, and our guests to enjoy easy access to all of our resources… including great coffee.
Shopping for the perfect DJ for your wedding? Meet us here to converse in a setting that is private, comfortable, and free of distractions. We would love to get to know you, address your questions, and give you answers to ones that you might have never thought to ask. We’ll even fire up the turntables and spin a little set just for you!
Interested in some of our other services? Check them out here, and see the quality firsthand. View our uplighting and monogram projection in action, and snap a few pics in our photo booth!
Sales is only the beginning of what we do here. Once you are officially a client of BPM Deejays, the wedding planning can begin! With unlimited access to equipment, music and time, there is no better place to meet and discuss the particulars of your big day than our South Side home.
We love our place, and you will too. Drop us a line, and make an appointment today!
Perfect Pittsburgh Weddings Begin Here.
“My fiancé and I had been searching for the perfect DJ for our wedding. We were growing tired of meeting in alleyways, nudie bars, and rehab facilities. After weeks of meetings, all we had to show for it was a membership at the VFW, and some fraudulent charges on our credit card. Thank goodness we finally found BPM Deejays.
Once inside their lovely office, they took our coats, offered us drinks, and got down to business. I must say: the caviar was the freshest I’d ever tasted, and the only thing that they might mix better than records is a dry martini!
An hour later, our questions were answered, and we knew that we had found our DJ! These guys are fun, funny, and completely serious about having a good time.
Every bride’s search for a perfect Pittsburgh wedding DJ should begin and end at BPM Deejays wonderful South Side studio!”
– Name Withheld By Request
Fully Equipped For Fun!


I’m sorry… that was corny.